Love it! You are credit to the Newgrounds team. Ty :)
Love it! You are credit to the Newgrounds team. Ty :)
Lookin' good, Hiro! Can't wait for the Japanese Soldier equipment next, gotta be my favorite nation, plus the Type 38 rifles they carry are truly kino.
I absolutely love Samoyeds. They are like fluff clouds of adorable and perfect wholesomeness! Truly a good doggo for anyone, even for children and people who have autism, like me. :)
So cute and wholesome! >w<
I wish one day I'll be together with someone just as this couple is, with those mutual feelings and cute moments and all... *sigh*
Well-made animation and cute story, love it! :)
Looks like one of the NFT monkeys got framed from his Ponzi schemes he made recwntly. Atleast we won't miss him and his fugly poorly drawn jpeg faces of him for some good, well deserved years. XD
GF be like "Aw hell nah, babe! U stay here with me in this mortal realm until the full game is done, biatch! Also it was just a prank bro, don't get ya fuckles in a twist, geerz!" XD
Good doodle as always, ghostvidyabox. :)
Awesome! One of my favorite classic Sonic games that I owned on a console. Remember playing it a lot on my PS2 when I was gifted "Sonic Gems Collection". I also like the other classics too, they're charming, fluid and gluingfully replayable for many tries. Keep up! :)
Sorry, I use the metric system in my country. Not really helpful around here, but might be good for any Americans out there. Still very well made, anyways. 4.5/5
Ya can't upload photography here, ya know that? XD (Just kidding, it looks superb for a landscape practice. Keep up! :p)
thank you so much!! I rlly appreciate it :)
Creator of the AsterReigN universe and Semi-Polivalent on Animation and Art.
Love muh music, guns, food and vidya games.
Programming not my forte, but I can try!
Born in '02 and been on the net since a lil' sky bean goblin.
Keep it k00l n awesome! ;)
Age 22, Male/Bisexual Gal Lover
Between jobs
Not Spain (A lil' west)
Joined on 1/26/22